Conference - Should we be afraid of artificial intelligence?
Speaker: General Fabrice Jaouën (2S) AI has already taken hold in companies, public administrations, banks, insurance companies... and above all in our daily lives. The speaker will begin by explaining what is meant by "artificial intelligence", and then go on to give examples in a number of fields of application. areas of application. Should we be afraid of being dispossessed of the decisions that belong to us because "intelligent" machines are more powerful than our brains? than our brains? Do you really think you've escaped artificial intelligence so far? Think again!
Additional information
- Languages spoken : Just french
- Prices : Free admission
- Type d'évènement, exposition : Conference
- Lieu/Départ de la manifestation : Chateau de Brosses
- Stationnement pour véhicules : Less than 200 m from a free public car park
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Opening times and days are liable to change according to circumstances. Please take all the necessary precautions.