Sales exhibition - Haut la main 2025

" Let yourself be amazed by bold, original and creative works in fields as varied as furniture, decoration, jewelry and fashion. "

The "Haut la main!" spring show and sale, dedicated to contemporary creation in the arts and crafts, is an unmissable event for lovers of original, singular and refined works. Some forty craft professionals present their latest creations, in unique pieces or limited series, in sculpture, decoration, jewelry, tableware, lighting, furniture, ceramics, fashion and graphic arts.

Additional information
  • Prices : 2 € - Free /-18 years-students-persons with disabilities
  • Type d'évènement, exposition : Consumer trade fair
  • Lieu/Départ de la manifestation : Halle Gruber, parking des Remparts

Opening times and days are liable to change according to circumstances. Please take all the necessary precautions.

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