Satirical cabaret in Alsatian: la Choucrouterie
The Théâtre de la Choucrouterie troupe uses humour to retrace the key events of the year. As usual, this 30th edition of the revue takes a jab at our neighbours in Lorraine, at Racing or ecology... and other social phenomena and local peculiarities. The comedians will be singing, dancing and performing humorous sketches to make the audience laugh at the expense of politicians and other local newsmakers.
Proud of their Alsatian roots, the troupe will be performing in dialect, and will not be shy about using their most colourful expressions. In the purest tradition of Alsatian cabaret, the comedians of La Choucrouterie will say out loud what others may be thinking in silence.
Ages 14 and up.
2 hours with no interval.
- Duration of the visit : 2h
- Amenities services : Toilets
- Languages spoken : alsacian
- Prices : 27 € / Reduced price: 25 € / Subscriber: 21 € / Young people: 14 € / Evening box office surcharge: 2 €
- Type d'évènement, exposition : Spectacle
- Lieu/Départ de la manifestation : Tanzmatten
- Stationnement pour véhicules : Free parking for cars
Opening times and days are liable to change according to circumstances. Please take all the necessary precautions.