Concert: Zélie + opening act
Zélie's head is full of questions. Like a never-ending whirlwind in her early twenties, fuelled by Un million de petits chocs, the title of her second album. It's an album that sounds like a thoughtful, dreamy, revolutionary diary, expressing a sincere indignation about being a woman in 2024. Zélie touches on issues that affect her generation: men's condescension towards women, society's expectations of the body and mind, transphobia... With her direct, mischievous lyrics that flit across the notes, set to addictive, luminous pop, Zélie has the effect of an ascending merry-go-round. Equally at home in bracing productions as in more intimate or melancholy compositions, her gentle voice tackles essential contemporary issues.
For all audiences.
- Duration of the visit : 1h30 min
- Amenities services : Toilets
- Languages spoken : French
- Prices : Balcony (seated, numbered): 24 € / Concession: 22 € / Subscriber: 18 € / Youth: 12 € / Evening box office surcharge: +2 € / Parterre (standing): 18 € / Concession: 16 € / Subscriber price: 12 € / Youth price: 8 € / Evening box office surcharge: +2 €
- Type d'évènement, exposition : Concert
- Lieu/Départ de la manifestation : Tanzmatten
- Stationnement pour véhicules : Free parking for cars, Coach parking
Opening times and days are liable to change according to circumstances. Please take all the necessary precautions.