Theatre : j'aime la chasse ?
j'aime la chasse? is a theatre-documentary and musical in which Katy, a ‘neo-rural bobo ecologist’, confronts her ideal of nature with a certain reality. The show layers intimate stories with sociological, historical and scientific data. Like a kaleidoscope, it immerses the audience in different aspects of the same reality. It's a tale of initiation, combining narrative and the visual arts, set to the music of Jonathan Bauer's brass instruments and enhanced by Simone Découpe's paper-cut scenography. In residence at Tanzmatten since 2023, Kathleen Fortin presents her new work and suggests that we should no longer consider others, whether animal or human, as pests, but as living beings with whom we should share our territory.
Ages 14 and up.
- Duration of the visit : 1h
- Amenities services : Toilets
- Languages spoken : French
- Prices : 18 € / Reduced price : 16 € / Subscriber price: 12 € / Youth price: 8 € / Evening ticket sales: + 2 €
- Type d'évènement, exposition : Theater
- Lieu/Départ de la manifestation : Tanzmatten
- Stationnement pour véhicules : Free parking for cars, Coach parking
Opening times and days are liable to change according to circumstances. Please take all the necessary precautions.