Easter Festival - Conservatory Violin Festival

Students and teachers from the conservatoires of Colmar, Strasbourg, Mulhouse, Saint-Louis and the music schools of Alsace.
This day is an opportunity for the young generation of local musicians to perform on stage and experience the realities of being a musician, alongside their teachers and renowned soloists.
How do you play together? How do you play in front of an audience? In a concert hall with poor acoustics? With professional musicians? These are just some of the questions they'll be asking themselves, and the realities they'll discover!
Christophe Lentz, direction and coordination
Programme under development

Additional information
  • Prices : 5€ to 15€
  • Type d'évènement, exposition : Concert
  • Lieu/Départ de la manifestation : Eglise St Matthieu
  • Stationnement pour véhicules : Less than 200 m from a free public car park, Less than 200 m from a paying public car park

Opening times and days are liable to change according to circumstances. Please take all the necessary precautions.

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