Alsatian theatre - E Riss Em Gebiss
Comedy in 2 acts
Based on ‘Sale attente’ by Franck DIDIER
Translation and adaptation: José MONTANARI -Directed by René KREDER
Isabelle, Doctor Zahn's assistant, opens the surgery this morning to find Mrs Meyer suffering from a toothache. Determined to make the most of her position as the first person to arrive at the surgery, she wants to be the first person seen by the dentist. Unfortunately for her, Isabelle tells her that she will have to wait for the first patient to withdraw before she can be treated, as the doctor's diary is very full. After the first appointment with the first patient, the minutes and half-hours pass without the slightest ‘gap’ in the doctor's schedule: patient after patient arrives on time. Mrs Meyer can't take it any more! If withdrawing a patient is the solution, she'll ‘withdraw’ them in her own way!
French surtitles
- Languages spoken : alsacian
- Prices : 18€
- Type d'évènement, exposition : Theater
- Lieu/Départ de la manifestation : Espace Rive Droite
- Stationnement pour véhicules : Free parking for cars
Opening times and days are liable to change according to circumstances. Please take all the necessary precautions.