Théâtre - Les fous alliés (comédie)

" With bad faith, cowardice and hypocrisy, they exchange views on love, friendship, death and family... for the best laughs! "

A funny, unexpected show. A duo that verges on the absurd and surreal. With bad faith, cowardice and hypocrisy, they exchange views on love, friendship, death and family... for the best laughs! They don't agree on anything, they don't understand the customs of our society. They're cowardly, selfish, sometimes hypocritical, afraid of conflict, and find it hard to admit when they're wrong. So when the Fous Alliés show up, they're diabolically crazy, but insanely funny! Did you know? Success Festival d'Avignon 2022 By Vincent Cordier With Fabrice Pennetier, Vincent Cordier Directed by Stéphane Duclot Numbered seats All audiences 13 and over Catering from 7:30pm and after the show Season 2024/2025 - La Scène Le Rohan - Théâtre de Mutzig

Additional information
  • Duration of the visit : 1h15
  • Languages spoken : Just french
  • Prices : Presale price: €14 Full evening ticket price: €16 Reduced rate : 10 € (Young people under 26, civic service, RSA beneficiaries, jobseekers, disabled people (and one accompanying adult))
  • Type d'évènement, exposition : Theater
  • Lieu/Départ de la manifestation : La Scène Le Rohan
  • Stationnement pour véhicules : Less than 200 m from a free public car park

Opening times and days are liable to change according to circumstances. Please take all the necessary precautions.

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