Oldest cooperative winery in Alsace (1895), the Cave de Ribeauvillé has a range of more than 70 wines from a meticulous selection of plots in 7 Grands Crus and 7 Lieux-dits. Owner of Clos du Zahnacker. Throughout the year, we offer cultural and artistic exhibitions. From May to August, we offer guided tours of our cellar twice a day, at 11am and 4pm.
- Pets allowed : yes
Additional information
- Type(s) of wine : Alsace AOC , Alsace Grands Crus AOC, Crémant d'Alsace AOC , Vin casher, Selection of Grains Nobles , Late Harvest
- Comments on prices : Credit card, Cheque, Cash
- Type of visits proposed : Guided tour for individuals, Dégustation gratuite pour les particuliers, Dégustation payante pour les groupes, Visite du vignoble pour les groupes sur RDV uniquement
- Services offered : free tasting, Paid tasting for groups, Vineyard visit for groups
- Amenities services : Air conditioned site
- Languages spoken : French, German, English
- Practical services : Group reception, Children's reception, Local tourist information
- Group headcount :
- Maxi : 50
Related events
Opening times and days are liable to change according to circumstances. Please take all the necessary precautions.