Payment method : Credit card, Cheque, Holiday vouchers, Cash, Transfer
Price advantages :
Other special offers : Gratuité chauffeur
Internet connection : Free wi-fi
Convenient service : Group reception
Interior equipment of the accommodation : Lift, Bar, Seminar/meeting room
Equipment of meeting rooms : Paperboard, Video projector , Screen
Equip./services for kids : Cot, Child's bed
Outdoor accommodation facilities : Private garden
Equipement et services vélos : Closed bicycle garage, Bike wash area, Tools on hand (foot pump, patches, tire levers, wrenches and wrenches), Drying facilities for clothing and equipment, Washing facilities for clothing and equipment, E-bike charging station
Capacity :
number of people : 150
Number of rooms : 75
Equipements/services vélos : Closed bicycle garage, Bike wash area, Tools on hand (foot pump, patches, tire levers, wrenches and wrenches), Drying facilities for clothing and equipment, Washing facilities for clothing and equipment, E-bike charging station
Opening times and days are liable to change according to circumstances. Please take all the necessary precautions.