The Grand Cru Steinert walk
- 1h45
- 3,3km
- 109m
- Easy
" Discover the vineyard in just 2 hours! After this walk, the wines of Alsace will have no more secrets for you. Along the way, you will enjoy numerous viewpoints on the typical villages of our beautiful region. "
Discover the vineyard of Pfaffenheim and its Grand Cru : the Steinert. This 3.3 km walk, with its discovery panels dedicated to the vine, the wine and the heritage, overlooks the Alsace plain in a remarkable way. The direct view on Pfaffenheim, the subtle view on the church of Rouffach and the string of wine villages, with Gueberschwihr, Hattstatt and Voegtlinshoffen, to the north, complete the richness of the panoramas.
Additional information
- Type of hiking trail : path
- IGN Map : 3719 OT
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