Concert : Ensemble Irini

  • 2pm: Open rehearsal at Ste Foy church. Enjoy a sneak preview of the forthcoming concert; enter the intimate setting of the Irini Ensemble's final rehearsal. Bookings required
  • 2.30pm: Opening ceremony at the Humanist Library. François Geissler, President, and Benoît Haller, Director, present the 32nd edition of Voix et Route Romane. A convivial and festive occasion! Bookings required
  • 4pm: meeting at Ste Foy church. Lila Hajosi will tell us about the historical background to her concert programme. The musicians will also be delighted to show you their medieval instruments, including rare brass instruments! Bookings required
  • 5pm: concert at Ste Foy church. The Irini Ensemble takes us on a journey of discovery through ‘Janua’, where the motets of Guillaume Dufay are set against the compositions of Chysaphes and Plousiadenos, two major figures in Byzantine kalophonic chant. Tickets online

Additional information
  • Languages spoken : French
  • Prices : 20 € / Reduced rate : 16 € / Youth rate: 6 € / Free for children under 12 years old
  • Type d'évènement, exposition : Concert
  • Lieu/Départ de la manifestation : Eglise Ste Foy
  • Stationnement pour véhicules : Less than 200 m from a paying public car park

Opening times and days are liable to change according to circumstances. Please take all the necessary precautions.

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