" The little train takes you for a tour of the old town, the vineyard but also the village of Hunawihr. This course will not amaze you the diversity of the landscapes encountered. "
Commentated tours in a little train of the town of Ribeauvillé and the village of Hunawihr.
Duration of tour: 50 minutes.
Simultaneous translation into 14 languages: English, French, German, Dutch, Danish, Spanish, Russian, Chinese, Japenese, Korean, Portugese, Hebrew, Polish.
- Pets allowed : yes
Additional information
- Duration of the visit : 1h
- Languages spoken : French, German, English, Chinese, Danish, Spanish, Italian, Japanese, Dutch, Portguese, Russian
- Prices : 8 Euro (adults), 6 Euro (children between 6 and 14).
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Opening times and days are liable to change according to circumstances. Please take all the necessary precautions.